What To Do After The Reboot

Take a moment, right now, to celebrate what you accomplished, for your mind and your body! Celebrate each day that you nourished your body with organic produce, healing your body on a cellular level and elevating your wellness.

Reflect on how you feel, what you learned and what you want to keep in mind as you move back into eating solid foods.

When The Reboot comes to an end, let it also be the beginning of a new lifestyle of eating healthy.

As you integrate solid foods back into your diet, be mindful that your digestive system has been in a state of complete rest.

Monitor how you feel & listen to your body!!

In the days following the Reboot, you have a unique opportunity to identify potential food allergens or sensitivities.  If you suspect that you may have a sensitivity to wheat, dairy, nuts, soy or anything else, systematically add these foods back into your diet one at a time. By only adding one of these items back into your diet at a time, you will be able to identify if any of these foods are a trigger for you.

Gradually reintroduce food back into your system!

Breaking a cleanse is an important part of your entire cleansing journey.  Breaking a cleanse safely and responsibly will ensure the end-results of your cleanse go a long way.  Don’t be tempted to go all out and eat everything you’ve been craving while on The Reboot. This is potentially dangerous since your stomach may have shrunk considerably. 

My favorite way to come off The Reboot is with smoothies the first two days and slowly easing my way back into eating solid foods again by way of soups and then salads.

The first few “solid” meals may move through your digestive system and sweep out any plaque or waste that may have loosen from the Raw Juice Week. It may cause some discomfort but will pass in a few hours.

Wait until you are hungry before you take your next meal. Resist the temptation to eat just because it’s “lunch time”.  Continue to eat lighter, fresh fruits and vegetables, including juices, gradually increasing the amount of more solid foods over the next few days.

The items I recommend to absolutely avoid the first few days after The Reboot:

  • Red Meat

  • Dairy

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Processed and/or fried foods

Here are some suggestions on what you may want to eat:

  • Clear broths:  vegetable or bone, gradually moving to thicker soups like home-made pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, or mushroom soups. Avoid canned soups as they are high in sodium.

  • Any soft fruits such as apples, avocados, bananas, berries, melons, mangoes, papayas, pears, peaches.

  • Any leafy vegetables like lettuce, endive, purple, rocket, spinach, gradually moving to “harder” vegetables like bell peppers, cucumber, celery, jicama, cabbage, etc.  

  • Lightly steamed asparagus, beetroot, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, sweet potato, fresh peas, etc.  

Two or three days after the end of The Reboot, you can make fresh salads with homemade dressings.  Be cautious with store-bought dressings. Read the labels and avoid ones with any high sodium and/or sugar contents and artificial food additives.

A quick recap when breaking this cleanse:

Decide ahead what permissible food you will eat when you next feel hungry—see suggestion listed above; keeping in mind that it may take a few days to acclimate to eating solid foods. Do not jump ahead and eat everything!

Take time to chew your food well. The enzymes in your saliva will help with the digestion, putting less stress on your digestive system which is not yet fully awake.

Eat only when you’re hungry and not by the clock. Eat because you’re hungry, not because of cravings. Listen to your body and be mindful of what you eat and what it does to your body.

Once you are back on track with eating normally, give yourself a small treat at your favorite restaurant. Celebrate and share with loved ones on your accomplishment.

Continue to eat healthily after The Reboot.

Endings are always bittersweet, but endings always allow for new beginnings. 

Let this be the beginning of your journey towards a lifelong, healthier lifestyle.