Hey there! Happy Monday and Happy First Day of The Raw Food Reboot!
I am so honored that you are on this path with me and over 400+ people from around the world! I never imagined that what started out as a funny little challenge between me and Bix would reach so many people.
If this is your first Reboot, I am truly so excited for you! You are probably going to see some very noticeable changes not only to your appearance, but to your whole outlook on life. Your mind will become clearer, your hormones more balanced, your demeanor more tempered, your body more agile and light. You will literally be glowing by the end of The Reboot. If this is your second or third Reboot (a.k.a. Roota's 21-Day Raw Food Cleanse), you know exactly what I am talking about!
The first few days, we may experience stomach discomfort, headaches, chills, strange tastes in our mouths, strong cravings and leg cramps. All of these symptoms are to be expected as our body adjusts to the whole, raw foods we are all now feeding it. Most of the symptoms are from the toxins that are being released from the sludge they once lived in. Some are withdrawal symptoms from caffeine addictions. In time, these symptoms will dissipate. One of the most important things we can do to help alleviate them is making sure we are staying well hydrated. I know how ‘boring' water can get so this awesome recipe is a wonderful way to get some electrolytes in our system along with keeping us in an alkaline state (THANK YOU LEMONS!!)
I want this to be a very fun and enlightening experience for you. Don't over think this and keep it simple. If you slip up, don't beat yourself up. Just get back up and try again. Give thanks for the food that you will be consuming. Take time to enjoy your meal, tasting what real food has to offer.
As always, I am here to answer any questions you may have, address any concerns that come up and share in any wonderful recipes, thoughts, ideas, discoveries, and struggles you have along the next 21 days.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
P.S. - Some of you may have already received this message through the gmail address raw21reboot@gmail.com. If you’ve signed up for the newsletter, please be sure to add that address to your contacts. Many, many thanks!!!