Yay!!! We’ve reached the halfway mark between Week 2 and The Reboot!!!
If you are still with us….
…to YOU!!!!
Today should be the day our minds, bodies and spirit begin to change as it becomes more acclimated to consuming nutrient-dense, whole, raw, living foods as it's main source of sustenance. Some might notice their concentration feeling sharper, senses becoming heightened, energy levels starting to become more sustained and their complexions brightening. Some might have the complete opposite reaction.
If that is the case, ‘keep in mind that everyone will experience results and physical adjustments differently, depending on prior practices related to nutrition as well as activity and metabolism.’…quoted from an excellent article that was recently shared by a Telegram Rebooter. I highly recommend reading it in it’s entirety and take note of the common detox symptoms (or what I like to call, ‘healing reactions’) and why they are happening.
To highlight one of my favorite articles on “Healing Reactions”:
Healing reactions usually appear AFTER you begin to feel better. The first one may just be mild as your body is responding to the healing. Subsequent reactions may last for a day or up to three days in more severe cases. Old pains may happen many months later as you continue to eat healthily. One thing for sure, they will occur in longer intervals and for shorter periods and lesser intensity each time, as your body works towards healing. It heals one part at a time and you will see healing moving throughout your body. When you encounter a healing reaction, depending on the severity, you may be tempted to [leave The Reboot]. When you [leave] because of a healing reaction that your body cannot handle, the released toxins are not being eliminated properly and continue to stay in your body. Some of them may be reabsorbed into the tissues. When a flare-up lasts more than three days, is severe and causing a weakening condition, it could be something more serious, so please seek medical help immediately.
If you are suffering from a lack of satiation during this week, be sure to add more dark, leafy-green vegetables, avocados, pre-soaked nuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds to your smoothies and monitor your water intake closely.
How are you feelings emotionally? Some Telegram Rebooters are starting to feel a little more emotionally fragile. Others are feeling the connection between body, mind and spirit as they continue to flood their systems with the biogenic and bioactive foods of the protocol. During the first ‘cleanse’, one of my favorite perceptions shared was finding happiness in feeling hungry. The happiness came from noticing a distinct difference in thoughts coming from the mind and thoughts coming from the body. That's quite a profound realization. Remember, this cleanse is not about the weight loss, it's about raising our awareness and vibrational energy by resetting and reconnecting with our bodies and their relationship with life-sustaining foods while cleaning out our system.
In three days we will be starting Week 3 - Raw Juices.
In anticipation of next week’s most common question, 'How do I know I am getting enough nutrients in my (smoothies and) juices?', I offer this explanation:
Blending and juicing unlock the energizing nutrients in plants. When we juice, we extract the slow-to-digest fibers, giving our body a concentrated elixir of vitamins and minerals that are essential to making our body hum at a cellular level. The energy that we would have needed to break down all the veggies and fruits if consumed whole, can instead be directed elsewhere.
There’s a lot of differing opinions on what the ‘proper’ vegetable to fruit ratio is to insure we get the ‘proper balance’ of nutrients. I feel VARIETY IS KEY to insuring we are getting the nutrients our body needs! I lean towards more dark, leafy, greens and cruciferous vegetables than fruits, which I would guess is a 4:1 ratio.
It’s easy to get into a routine of blending and juicing more fruits than vegetables because that is what we typically see on the grocery store shelves. Don’t be afraid of juicing a whole cucumbers with a few cups of spinach, an apple and some lemon or a few cups of kale with half a dozen carrots, a cucumber and lime. We need to learn to balance the flavors of vegetable juice with some milder, sweeter fruit juices. Taste as you go and balance by adding more of one thing or another, and if your juice tastes a little flat, add a shot of lemon or lime juice.
For a 'little' inspiration for next week, start planning your juice menus with over 200 juice recipes.
My ABSOLUTE favorite juice to start ALL my days with is celery juice! If you would like to read just some of the benefits of this wonderful herb (yup - it's an herb, not a vegetable) along with “how-to's” click here.
As always, please stay in touch with your questions, concerns, comments, victories and struggles.
And in case nobody has told you lately, ‘You’re doing awesome!’
Cheers to your health,
PS - this morning I found a very informative, hilarious and thought-provoking podcast Kate & Oliver Hudson did with Anthony William that I thought you might get a kick out of listening to! Enjoy!