In just 3 short days we will be concluding The Reboot! For some, it will be a much welcomed time. For others, it may bring feelings of apprehension. It’s my hope that this post will help bring about a celebratory feeling and ease any concern.
Breaking a cleanse is an important part of your entire cleansing journey. Breaking a cleanse safely and responsibly will ensure the end-results of your cleanse go a long way.
In an ideal world we’d come off The Reboot exactly the way we entered it but in reverse. In our case, that would be, a week of smoothies followed by a week of whole, raw foods before reintroducing any other foods. If this is something you feel you can do, more power to you!
If that’s not your jam, please take at least two to three days of smoothies or blended soups followed by softer raw foods for another two to three days. It’s best to begin with fruit for a day before vegetables since they are easier to digest. If you were scarf down a plate of….let’s say, spaghetti with meat sauce, you’ll likely be doubled-over with stomach cramps.
The first few “solid” meals may move through your digestive system and sweep out any plaque or waste that may have loosened from the Raw Juice Week. It may cause some discomfort but will pass in a few hours.
Monitor how you feel & listen to your body!!
In the days following the Reboot, you have a unique opportunity to identify potential food allergens or sensitivities. If you suspect that you may have a sensitivity to wheat, dairy, nuts, soy or anything else, systematically add these foods back into your diet one at a time. By only adding one of these items back into your diet at a time, you will be able to identify if any of these foods are a trigger for you.
To mitigate the return of any weight you may have lost during The Reboot, consider making the eating protocol part of your daily or weekly eating routine. If we return to eating the way we did before The Reboot, the lightness and clarity you may have experienced while on The Reboot will also subside.
To lend a little inspiration to integrate The Reboot’s protocol into your eating routine, I invite you to take a moment to acknowledge what attitudes and beliefs around food surfaced during The Reboot. Did you perhaps notice an emotional relationship to eating? Did you make any connections between the synergy of foods you ate on The Reboot with your mind and body? There’s nothing like being deprived of our comfort or accustomed routines to learn more about our unconscious attitudes towards food (or anything else in life for that matter). How will you stay conscious of the food choices you will be faced within the coming weeks? Please feel free to share any of your answers in the Comments section below this post.
For more helpful tips on ending The Reboot, please visit The Post-Boot page on the website.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, and experiences you would like to share.
Cheers to your health,